Assisting Personal Growth
Assisting Personal Growth
Rethink represents a new way of understanding personal growth. (Can't wait? Click Log in to start using it now)
Personal Cognitive Growth Tool
Rethink is a tool designed to help you manage your growing personal knowledge. Record your thoughts, knowledge, and experiences here, and continuously expand your personal knowledge system.

Each time you record new knowledge, related old knowledge will automatically emerge, connecting and transferring between new and old knowledge. This gives every record a chance to shine again.
Make Good Use of "Old" Thoughts
Every past record has the opportunity to automatically resurface in front of you.
When you record new knowledge, the AI recommendation system will bring up related knowledge you've recorded in the past. This helps build a more solid knowledge network by connecting new and old knowledge.

Let "New" Thoughts Emerge
Based on your historical records, Rethink will use AI to extract knowledge from the model and automatically generate related new knowledge. This truly achieves personalized analogy-transfer. For detailed instructions, please see AI Extension.

After updating your knowledge for a while, Rethink will organize your thoughts and use AI to analyze and generate new knowledge that may interest you, completing and expanding your knowledge network.

By clicking on each AI recommendation, you can see which of my thoughts this recommendation is based on. You can even find more related information and search.
Click the collect or edit button in the top-right corner to add this recommendation to your knowledge network or start editing it right away.